Health and fitness tips, articles, and opinions by Larry Wasserman, Owner of Body Basics Boot Camps located in Warren and Mountainside, New Jersey

Friday, September 25, 2009

What Are Your Fall Fitness Goals?

Okay, so this could be a tough one. I mean "Three" goals? Isn't one goal enough? Well, that depends on what your goals are. If you had one goal to lose 50 pounds, that would be quite significant. But having multiple goals is more in line with human nature. I mean, do you only ever want one thing and "only one thing"? Exactly.

So ask yourself, "what are three things that I could work on to improve myself or my health?" Please know that I am well aware that you might also be motivated to help someone else. And as much as that would be generous and honorable, this exercise is about YOU!

My Goal #1
Last Winter I had a goal to do 100 consecutive pushups without a break. I worked up to 74 and then had a set back as I hurt my shoulder. And as it often happens, within a few weeks I let go and focused my attention on other things. I started that goal at Thanksgiving setting New Years as my target. It's been haunting me ever since. So now that is goal number #1 - 100 pushups! Only now I'm going to start earlier and I'm giving myself eight weeks to complete the task.

My Goal #2
My second fitness goal is to nail 20 body weight pull ups. I can currently only get a clean 10, so twice that is going to be a real challenge. One thing is for certain, I'm going to get a lot stronger as a result and that's not only exciting, it's driving me to want to do it!

My Goal #3
My third fitness goal is to go surfing more often. Although this is a recreational activity, it's about taking time to enjoy life. (I work way too much). There was a period in my life where I spent a lot of time chasing waves along the east coast. My goal is to get out more, enjoy the Fall weather and waves, and share my passion for surfing with my sons...the next generation!

Once the weather gets cooler like it is now, it gets more difficult to be outside and for some reason the Fall is always a busy time of year. I hope that you'll give this some thought and come up with a few goals for yourself.

Consider the many events of the fall season and see if you can't associate a goal with an activity. From football games, holidays, kids sports programs, and how about all those falling leaves? Make a goal to do your own yard clean up this year!

Leave A Reply ~ Go ahead and post your Fall Fitness Goals below!

Not sure what goals are for you? Here's a few suggestions.

- Run a 5 or 10K road race
- Train for a triathlon
- Train to ride a bicycle for 100 miles (a "century")
- Commit to release 10 pounds of fat in six weeks
- Quit smoking
- Learn to prepare healthy meals
- Take up a new sport
- Walk your dog every night after dinner
- Eat breakfast every day
- Join Body Basics Boot Camps (The #1 goal to rule them all!)

This list could be huge if you let your mind go. The point is to "focus on change" and to make progress from where you are now. For example, if your goal is to lose 10 pounds in 6 weeks and you never eat breakfast, then eating oatmeal for breakfast every day will also help you drop those extra pounds of flab. There's two goals that have a synergy between them.

Keep your eye on the prize and find reasons to be 100% committed.

Don’t forget to Leave a Comment
Post your Fall Fitness Goals below!

Just think - by taking action NOW you will be MORE than ready with a new, fit body once the holidays arrive!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

How Do You Want To Be Remembered?

I'm sure you well know that actor Patrick Swayze died this past Monday
at age 57 after a two year battle with pancreatic cancer. Last night there was a Barbara Walter's Special on where they showed the various interviews Barbara did with Patrick over the years. One of the questions that Barbara Walters asked was, "How do you want to be remembered?"

Patrick Swayze's response was something along the lines of him hoping he had made a difference in other people's lives.

I couldn't help but put myself in Patrick Swayze's shoes. Here is a man who is facing death and he is so filled with gratitude for the "life" that he has lead. He stated that he felt like he had lived 1,000 lives in all that he had seen and done and that he was okay with dying. It was at that point that I became overwhelmed with emotion and tears started to flow. Those of you that know me know that this isn't unusual for me.

I started to think about my own life and could I say that I have lived so well? Could I say that I am okay with dying if faced with a terminal illness? Has my life helped others in a significant way? Now ask yourself those same tough questions. What kind of answers do you come up with?

In my personal life I'm a father and a husband, a brother, a friend, a cousin, and an uncle just like many of you. Those monikers are fairly easy to come by. But what I dedicate my life to is excellence in everything that I do.

In my professional life I write newsletters, post articles on my blog, make workout videos, run boot camps, teach nutrition and healthy lifestyle, coach semi-pro football, lead a hiking group, and volunteer. But sometimes I wonder if I am really making a difference in people's lives. I'd like to think that I am. It certainly is my mission to accomplish just that.

The "take home" point I want to make is that having a full life is about a lot of things. Sure we focus on being healthy and lean, but that's just a piece of the puzzle. I hope that if any of us finds ourselves in the throws of a terminal illness we can have the courage of Patrick Swayze. He has reminded me that I have slipped into my life's routines and too often forget to be grateful for the truly wonderful life I have in my good health and loving family.

I have never thought of Patrick Swayze as a great actor. He's had some big movies and will forever be remembered as Johnny Castle in "Dirty Dancing" and as Bhodi in "Point break". It is only in his final weeks of his life that I really began to take notice and come to admire and respect this man.

Patrick Swayze showed us what he is made of in his final days. During his last project for television (the Beast) he was going through chemotherapy. He refused to take pain killers as he said that they dulled his brain and his senses. He didn't want to let his illness take away from his ability to be the best actor he could be. He chose to endure pain over sacrificing quality of what he does best.

I am saddened by his passing as he truly had a lot more living to do. I am humbled by the words he spoke in his interview with Barbara Walters and the courage he displayed, and I don't think he was acting.

Rest in peace Mr. Swayze.