Health and fitness tips, articles, and opinions by Larry Wasserman, Owner of Body Basics Boot Camps located in Warren and Mountainside, New Jersey

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Sunday morning hike in the rain

One thing is certain, the weather did not cooperate this morning. The last report I saw said the rain was supposed to move out by today. When we arrived at the park it was overcast and not raining. But as fate would have it, just as we were getting started with the nutrition lesson, it began to rain. I started to speak faster so we could get to the hike. I even moved us over to the park bulletin board that had a small overhead canopy which provided a bit of shelter from the rain. It wasn't raining hard so we set out and hit the trail. But that quickly changed!

Those that showed up this morning are real troopers. No one complained about the rain, and I think most of us felt like kids jumping in puddles, thrilled to get splashed. I did make one very important observation. The rain made the trail a lot more challenging . The trails are hilly, and with wet rocks and wet moss covered logs to walk over, it added an opportunity to easily slip and get hurt. Fortunately, no one did.

We had one "brand new" visitor today, and I don't think she was prepared physically for this hike, especially in the rain. Also, I think the trails were a lot more challenging than she expected. I was impressed as she was very resourceful and quickly fashioned a "walking stick" from a tree branch she found in the woods. I spoke to her as we walked and asked her if she'd come back again. This was a "not so great" first-time experience. I encouraged her to come back and try this again on a dry day. We really have a fun time. I hope she does.

To make matters worse, her sneaker's sole came apart and was flapping at the front of her shoe where it was still attached at the toe. She had no rain gear and she wasn't alone. We were all pretty well soaked to the skin by the end of our 3.6 mile trek.

One of the things I personally enjoy is talking with people as we hike. We walked and talked, touching on the subjects that are on most people's minds, namely our nation's financial crisis and the upcoming presidential election. Good stuff.

We actually wrapped up on time and afterwards three of us met up at Dunkin Donuts for coffee. I don't drink coffee very often, but this cup was sooo good after being soaked to the skin. The conversation continued and we all enjoyed the spontaneity of the moment.

So what does all of this have to do with health? It has everything to do with health!!

Part of being healthy is finding activities you like to do, so that you'll do them and do them more often. Getting together with other like-minded people makes activities a lot more fun. Not only do we meet to hike and get some exercise, but being social is important too as it makes us feel connected and this makes us feel good. Feeling good is a very healthy state of mind wouldn't you agree?

Some of our hikers are not in the Body Basics Boot Camps program ( I know, can you imagine?) For those that are not in boot camp, or any exercise program for that matter, the hikes provide everyone with a great fat-burning workout.

If you are an avid exerciser, the hikes provide you with an "extra" workout. If you are not an exerciser at all, the hikes provide a means for which you can gage your current level of fitness and then find/create opportunities to get more exercise during the week.

If you live locally in Central New Jersey, please join us! I've set up a group on called "Body Basics Boot Camps Hiking Group".

And if you don't live locally, consider finding a group or starting your own group around one of your favorite activities.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Exercise hurts so good

This week was a good one for workouts. I introduced a "300 Style" workout and got some terrific feedback from boot campers. The "feedback" was in the form of ..."name a body part" followed by, IS KILLING ME! Believe it or not that's a compliment!

I often wonder what it is about us crazy exercise "enthusiasts" that we enjoy sore muscles. Actually it's more of a love-hate relationship for me. Having sore muscles let's me know that I pushed myself hard enough to know that my muscles were stimulated and sufficiently overloaded. This means more calories burned and lean muscle growth. That's the love part.

The hate part is the pain I feel after a heavy squat workout, where my legs and butt are punished to the point where just trying to get up from a chair (or the toilet for that matter) is painful. I know you are laughing with me, right?

Still, I believe the love part wins out. I think it's because our brains rationalize the pain we feel after exercise as the price we have to pay for letting our bodies get out of shape. It's also the price we have to pay to "earn" our improved shapely physique. It's not a conscious process, we just accept it as part of the deal.

Of course there are many people who don't like the muscular discomfort and quit. Personally, I feel for these individuals. I know if they just hang in there for a few weeks, they'll be so very glad they did. The benefits are so worth it. If you are one of those people and you are reading this, please try again. Just start more slowly and progress gradually. It's the too much, too soon exercisers that often give up. And can you really blame them? The limbic part of the brain codes anything that is new and different as "bad and wrong". What follows is the brain equates exercise with pain, and well, you know how this story ends. It saddens me when I see people who have passed through boot camp. They come for one session expecting miracles and then just give up. I know, because I often see some of these individuals around town months later and they are often, well, a lot fatter.

Another thing I've noticed is that we like to share our pain with others. It's cool to let others know we hurt too! No one likes to hurt alone, and more importantly no one likes the person who kicks it hard and doesn't hurt at all. What's with that? I guess we all secretly want to be one of those fortunate few. Hey, if you were thinking that person is me, guess again! To prove my point, we often have a week off in between each boot camp, right? Well, I use that week to organize, write, work on marketing, follow up phone calls, etc., and I rarely work out. After just one week off, I can feel the effects of my workouts when the next boot camp starts. In only a week!

But what does it mean to you? Care to comment? By all means please do!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Working for a "Loving"

As many of you know last weekend I was in Stamford, CT at the Ryan Lee Boot Camp fitness conference. To say it was amazing is an understatement. My head is still spinning and my batteries are fully charged as my passion is renewed as my for what I do for a "loving". I actually look forward to Monday mornings and if you do too, then you are also one of the lucky ones. I'm not embarrassed to say it. I love my work. I love helping and working with people. Well, this weekend I met a man who inspired me as he inspires thousands of people around the globe.

I've known about Brian Grasso for over two years. I've been reading Brian's newsletters and blog for over a year and I just had the opportunity to meet him and hear him deliver the keynote address at the conference. Brian Grasso is the CEO and the driving force behind the IYCA, (International Youth Conditioning Association) and he is passionate about many things, but two that are at the top of his list are youth fitness and athletic development. After meeting other IYCA Coach's and Brian, I am even more fired up to be involved with this great organization as I am completing a training certification with the IYCA.

Uncharacteristically, the topic of the keynote was about "How to create your optimal life". So I wanted to share a brief recap with you about what Brian discussed. Think about it and internalize what he is saying. It may just inspire you in ways you've yet to experience -

:: Living an optimal life is easy, but we let extrinsic factors of doubt and negativity
penetrate too often.

:: Most live lives of quiet desperation. They want so much more for themselves, but never
go after what they truly desire. Don't take your songs of desire to the grave with you.

O.K… So here they are in Brian Grasso's own words….

Point 1 -

Follow Principles not Values

I take this from the work of Stephen Covey in the 8th Habit. We too often measure our success by the ‘values’ of a situation.

How much weight did we lose?

How much money do we make?

How many ‘A’ grades did we get on our report card?

These are the items that most of us chase, but they are superfiscial and seldom
give us depth or a sincere appreciation for life.

Rather than following or pursuing the ‘values’ in life, go after the principles of
a situation.

What makes you feel good?

Whatever it is, do that.

Money will come.

Pounds will drop.

Good grades will happen.

All we have to do is pursue our desires with conviction.

The secondary factors I mentioned above will come on their own…

Point 2 -


This is a Zulu word that technically means ‘hello’.

But it has a much deeper meaning than that.

The literal translation is ‘I See You’ and is used as a formal greeting when
seeing friends or family.

And I love the concept.

We are so loose with language in our society.

Think about what you say when you pass a friend along the street…


"What’s Up?"

"How You Doing?"

Informal. Lacking passion. Do you even really care about what the answer is?

Sawubona is a word I’ve come to embrace as having a deeper meaning.

"I See You"

I’m paying attention. My focus in on you.

I find that very powerful.

But here’s the real point of that word as far as I’m concerned.

I’ve learned to say it to myself.

Do you really know that person you see when looking in the mirror each morning?

Have you truly connected with yourself and understand who you are, where your
passions lie and what you want in life?

Give it a try sometime…

Point 3 -

Don’t Think - Create Habits

Thoughts don’t become things.

They don’t translate into tangibility unless they are converted.

Powerful thoughts or images you may have for yourself or your life will only
become real if you start creating daily habits around making them so.

This is one of the major limitations people have in our society.

They imagine and ‘dream’ of large scale things for themselves, but keep them
as nothing more than thoughts.

If you truly want to live your dreams, than start creating daily habits around making
them so.

This will change your life forever…

So those are my own personal success habits.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Can You Think Your Way Thin?

The most essential step you can take to achieve amazing fat loss success is…..Goal Setting.

Seems that in almost every reply I state this in, to women who are desperate to know what they must do to succeed - there is a sudden sense of feeling deflated.

“You mean there is no tummy tightening, metabolism stoking workout that will put me on the fast track?”

Nope. In fact this is exactly how the Isagenix Nutritional Cleansing system begins. You must establish your goals and create a mindset programed for success. This precedes the nutrition section and the workout plans.

If this is still an area you feel you struggle with, then I have the Ultimate Solution for You.

For those of you who have been here a while, you know Dax Moy. For
those of you who are new - you MUST meet him and at the very LEAST take
a moment to listen to his inspiring and motivating voice…

=>Meet Dax Here<=

Well a portion of my weekend entailed spending time with this amazing man…and it was his BIRTHDAY!

Yes, Happy Birthday Dax! 38 Years Young!

Well Dax is relaunching is super powerful, newly revised, Goal Achievement Program-

The Magic Hundred - yes partly in celebration of his birthday, but also because today - September 22nd marks the 100 day countdown to the New year!

Just 100 days left in 2008 to achieve your goals for the year!
Of course Dax goes into great details of what this entails, but here is a quick overview.

The Magic Hundred
will show you how to change your mindset, set your goals, and achieve them.

But it’s not just about setting goals for weight. The Magic Hundred forces you to improve your entire life.

Just to clarify…The Magic Hundred is a goal-achieving program (not just a goal setting program!). It’s really the first program I’ve come across that gets you focused on taking action in an organized and persistent manner to help you get things DONE. Not just planned or started, but actually DONE.

It’s a very cool system, because Dax follows up with short audio clips of instructions and inspiration for you everyday to keep you on track.

I promise you’ll accomplish more in the next 100 days than in any other 100 day period of your life with this approach. I cannot even begin to tell you what it has done for me.

First used about 12 months ago and Patrick and I sit down every “quarter” to create a new Magic Hundred. No, we do not always get all 100 goal DONE - but what we DO accomplish has set us up to achieve more than we could have ever imagined in such a short period of time.

Do give it a look if this at all resonates with you.

Here’s a list of all the bonuses too…

From Dax:

* I’m going to give you the 100-page workbook that will guide you step
by step through the entire goal setting to goal getting process,
insuring that no stone is left unturned in your journey towards success.

* I’m going to give you a FREE 30 day trial of my newest Magic Hundred
software program
, allowing you to list grade and track each of your
Magic Hundred goals, monitor your daily action tasks, store
motivational images and much, much more…

* I’m going to give you 12 mp3 audio lessons that you can listen to
whenever you want to and wherever you are to keep the principles at the
top of your mind.

* I’m going to give you access to my MAGIC 100 teleseminars where I’ll
go into even greater depth and answer your questions about how to get
more from the program.

* I’m going to send you a specially written email message every single
day for 100 days
to help keep you on track and focused on achieving
everything you set out to achieve.

The Magic Hundred The perfect compliment to your fat loss system.

Imagine what you can achieve in the next 100 days with Dax as your coach!