Health and fitness tips, articles, and opinions by Larry Wasserman, Owner of Body Basics Boot Camps located in Warren and Mountainside, New Jersey

Friday, January 29, 2010

Why Are Most Protein Powders Made with Whey Protein?

I get asked this question all the time. So often in fact, I researched the topic and wrote a report titled "Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Whey Protein".
If you would like a free copy of my report, here is the link.

Whey Protein Report

But if you are short on time, here's a quick video from my colleague Jason Hunter, RD and Director of R&D at Prograde Nutrition explaining why.

If building muscle, having a lean body, and speeding up your metabolism is important to you, then adding extra protein into your daily plan is the way to go.

Whey protein has been part of my program for many years. At this point, I consider it a staple in my plan, but it is also a "tool" so-to speak. Like any tool, it is used to get the "job" done with ease a precision.

You see, it can be difficult getting in whole food meals six times a day. Sometimes a whey protein shake is a "meal replacement" for me. Sometimes half a shake is a snack. Quite often whey protein is post-workout recovery nutrition too.

When I question my boot campers and private training clients about protein supplementation about 90% need to be educated about what to buy and how to use whey protein as part of their weight loss and nutrition plan.

Watch Jayson Hunter's short video and you will know why Whey protein is so popular. Download my report and I explain in a bit more detail the difference between protein isolates, concentrates, and blends.

Watch Jason's video:

Ultimately I recommend that you buy and use whey protein so think of this as a primer to educate yourself so that you know what you are buying and using and why.

Press on!

P.S. To purchase Pro Grade pharmaceutical grade whey protein powder, click here.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Where Are You?

It's a simple question, but let me be more specific.

Where are you...
  • in your fitness,
  • in your diet,
  • in your personal commitment,
  • in your self discipline
  • in your LIFE?
Where ever you are, are you where you want to be?

Here's an interesting view of human nature.

There is one's "intention" and then there is one's "action". Everyone has good intentions. For example, nearly everyone I know has started a diet or a fitness
program at one time or another. That part is easy.

You might say to yourself, "I'm going to go to boot camp and finally get fit". That's the having good intentions part. But having good intentions won't get you in great shape. That part takes action.

ACTIONS are very different. Let's say you intend to take a Free Trial Boot Camp class, or come to a Saturday morning boot camp, or join us on a Sunday morning hike, but week after week, you never make it to an event.

So what happened?

On Saturday morning you couldn't get up, or just decided to sleep in. Perhaps you wanted to do something else altogether. Perhaps you live farther away than you realized. What ever your reasons, there is a "disconnect" between what you intended to do and what you actually ended up doing.

There are many of you who have attended boot camp and some of you have traveled from a great distance to do so. I am so very appreciative of your energy and drive and I wish you much success in all of your fitness endeavors. In short, you rock!

Many of our Saturday boot campers have been dedicated and solid athletes too. Always a pleasure to have you join us when ever you can. And many of our daily boot campers are long term dedicated members that are also my friends and "family" at this point.

For those of you who have been intending to come to boot camp, but have not yet taken action I have a small favor to ask of you. Write to me. Yes, please write to me and tell me any or all of the following.

1. Why you have never attended a boot camp.
2. What you expect or need from a fitness program.
3. What can I do to help you?

I have two main objectives. First is to get people into awesome physical shape. Second is to have them become raving fans about our program and tell the world!

But I can't do that unless you show up. So let me hear from you! To our newest members Jessica, Ricardo, Denise, Amy Arup, and Domenick, I want to hear from
you too!

I want to share with you something from my own life's experience. You see at one time I was a mess.

I was 35 pounds "over fat" with bad knees, a bad back, and a bad disposition. In short, I was miserable. You see, life had not turned out as I expected and I blamed
people and circumstances for everything. I was also a complainer. BTW, have you ever complained or blamed someone else for something? Right, silly question.

One day it dawned on me that no one was going to show
up, take me by the hand and lead me to a solution. I eventually developed enough pain in my mind and body
that I absolutely had to change. I could no longer go on living this way. I was terrified when I realized that it was up to me and only me if I was going to change my life.

Common sense told me to get some exercise, so the first thing I did was join a gym and begin to work out. It was a slow and painful start, but within a few months
I began to feel better. Boy was it hard. My shoulders felt like they were 90 and my knees were on fire. I injured myself multiple times too. But the one thing that kept
me going was that in spite of the pain, I felt good inside. I had a renewed vitality. There was something chemical going on in my body and my brain and I wanted more of it.

Here it is 12 years later. I am a full time fitness professional with my own business and connecting with people. I'm far away from where I started and life gets better all the time.

You have a story too. Maybe you are where I was, or worse. Maybe you think no one cares. Some one does care and that someone is the most important person in your life. IT"S YOU SILLY! And BTW, the person who looks me in the eye and says, "NO Larry, I really don't care" is either lying to me, themselves, or both.

The next thing you need to do is make a decision, a decision to change once and for all. No more BS. It's time to stop making excuses and start getting BUSY getting
results. Making a decision is HUGE! Don't underestimate the power of it. It's also an "action" :-)

Once you make that decision, send me and email and tell me that you have once and for all decided to stop and get off the merry-go-round. I'll read your email and I'll personally write back to you. I really do care that much.

Then, plan on coming to a Free Trial Boot Camp or a Saturday morning boot camp. Plan on it being challenging. Plan on being sore and feeling uncomfortable at first.
But also, plan on transforming your health and your life.

Think you've got it tough?

Our new trainer Andrea was once 310 pounds. I kid you not. Now she is a force to be reckoned with. She is also training to be a body building competitor! How awesome is that? Talk about doing a 180!

Andrea's journey is one of triumph. She is a strong willed and determined woman who has faced her fears and found the courage and tenacity within herself to
change her life. Her story is nothing short of amazing.

I'm not trying to impress you, I'm trying to impress upon you that Andrea is just like you. I am just like you. If we can overcome our adversities, so can you. And now you will have the benefit of our experience to help you along the way.

A good place to begin.

- Believe in yourself.
- Believe you can do this. (because you can.)
- Believe that we have a system that works, (because we've proven it over
and over again)
- Begin and follow through.

If you want our help, we're here for you. As we move into 2010 our members will be comprised of individuals who want health, a dynamic life, and an awesome body.

So now where are you?

Press on!

Monday, January 4, 2010

What Do Happy Hour and Boot Camp Have in Common?

"Happy Hour is so much fun, you get two drinks and you pay for one!"

I don't know where I first heard this, but for some reason it stuck in my head. It's a little diddy about "happy hour". And yes, there's a tune that goes with it, but you'll have to make up your own for now.

Silly? Absolutely. But it perfectly symbolizes the " 2 for the price of 1" or what we have come to refer to as the "Two fer".

And that brings me to boot camp. We have a "two fer" also. If you are a new member you can join with a friend and "split the cost" of a one month membership. Two people, half the price, the perfect "two fer".

Register Here For "Two for One" Boot Camp

What's really great about this is that it gets people excited for "two" reasons. First, everybody loves a deal and to save money. By getting a perceived value, they feel good about their purchase and that's also a good thing. Second, they have established a low barrier of entry into boot camp.

First time boot campers are often tentative. They don't know what to expect and they have some reservations that they might fail or not be able to keep up with the group. It's easy for us veterans to know that their apprehensions are just FEAR or what is referred to as

False Evidence Appearing Real.

But within a week or so, their fears are gone and they know how boot camp works. Aside from some sore muscles everything is hunkey dory.

But then by the final week, they are beginning to feel awesome and their energy levels pick up. Many are getting their nutrition dialed in and their clothes are a tad looser. And many begin to realize that boot camp exercise works. I live for is the look on people's faces when they talk about how their lives are changing, how amazing they feel, and that they can do things they never could before.

But, they also begin to realize the appreciate the value of boot camp that is far beyond the price.

Here is a recent testimonial I received from a boot camper.

"I was getting ready to leave my office and head over to Boot Camp when I received a call from my boss advising me that our offices were going to be moving and I would have an hour-long commute. While I was driving to Boot Camp I could barely hold back the tears, I was a complete wreck at the thought of such a grueling commute. I got to Boot Camp and Larry put us through another great workout, which is always different and and fun, and always kicks my butt (in a good way though). Got back in the car to drive home and started thinking about work again, and realized that I was in such a great mood that even the thought of that commute couldn't bring me down. I just felt a sense of contentment that wouldn't go away. I was totally amazed that the power of a great workout had changed my mood from being completely miserable to being very happy, and changed my outlook to make a bad situation seem not so bad at all, or at least fixable. If I can change my body to make it better, then I can change anything."

Boot camp is about life. Everything we think and do adds up to the experience we call "our life". It's not complicated, but it is about our thoughts and our actions.

So let me get back on point. If you want to change your life, then you need to start working towards creating the life you want.
Fitness goals should not take over your life, they should enhance every other part of it. Your body, mind, and diet aren't stand alone islands. Everything interacts and weaves together.

And boot camp is a place where all of this comes together. It's here for the taking if you want it and if you are willing to do the work.

And we're making it easier than ever because now you can join with a friend for half price. (new members, one month only).

Register Here For "Two for One" Boot Camp

Press on!

P.S. Please forward this blog post to anyone you know that might be able to benefit from our program and this New Year's Special.

Register Here For "Two for One" Boot Camp