Health and fitness tips, articles, and opinions by Larry Wasserman, Owner of Body Basics Boot Camps located in Warren and Mountainside, New Jersey

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Get A Jump Start On Fat Loss For The New Year

Do you realize that Christmas Eve is just 3 weeks away? It seems like Halloween was only a couple of weeks ago. Amazing and a little scary how time flies.

And that's my point. Time does fly! If you are training hard, focusing on good nutrition practices, and have your mindset laser focused then I want to congratulate you, as success in transforming your body is virtually guaranteed.

But how many of you find yourself being indecisive and saying things to yourself like:

  • I'm too busy right now.
  • The holidays are almost here.
  • I'm going away in a few weeks.
  • I want to go on a diet first.

So you see the pattern? If you are talking to yourself out of prioritizing your health (or anything for that matter) until a later date, you are also telling yourself that your health is not that important. In addition, it's a pretty sure bet that you will keep putting it off and keep putting onweight!


This is one of the peak times of the year when people gain the most weight. It's slow and almost imperceptible. But one day you go to get dressed and in some crazy unbelievable way, like out of nowhere your dress doesn't fit, or your pants are too tight, or your shirt collar won't button closed. And you freak out a little.

When you think about the next 3 weeks ahead and all of the opportunities to over eat and over drink, being involved in a fitness program will help you in many ways.

It will help you set your focus on health.

This alone will pay dividends in calories saved and even more calories burned! The choices you make will come from a brain that is aware of the choices and will help you make better choices.


Take action now!

By taking action now, you are literally programming your mind for success. It's no wonder that people who take action are the one's who accomplish so much. But if you insist on waiting until things are "perfect" you'll never get started.

New Year Jump Start Boot Camp

Nobody get's this perfect.

Perfection doesn't exist. One of my favorite sayings is, "Don't try to get it perfect, just get it going!"

You just have to get started and adjust as you go along. Does Microsoft get their OS perfect when they release a new upgrade? Nope, but they release it anyway and make it better as they go.


You don't have to be perfect. I'm here to help you do damage control and get you on the fast track to fitness success. You don't have to be the expert. That's my job!

You know Lawrence, people think that training and eating right is the key to having a lean and toned body. Sure, they are important components, but the real deal maker is your brain and coming to terms with the following:

  1. Desire
  2. Knowledge
  3. A Plan

If you have the desire, I'll provide the knowledge and a plan.

Are you ready to take action?

I hope so, because starting on Monday December 7th ("A day that will live in infamy"- Thanks FDR) you will be able to do just that.

On Monday 12/7 a select few of you will be able to take advantage of this special offer and those individuals will be on their way to a whole new way of life in 2010.

My recommendation is to take action (as space is limited) and get a jump start on the New Year and quite possibly the New YOU!

All you have to do is click on the link below.

New Year Jump Start Boot Camp

Committed to your fitness success!

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